The Two Of Us Productions is an affiliate of Roving Actor's Repertory Ensemble, a 501 c(3) non-profit theater company based in Copake, NY. We produce full-scale musicals, drama & comedies, and murder mystery evenings.
Our mission is to bring quality stage productions to our local audience. We are known throughout the Hudson Valley and Western New England for bringing the excitement of full orchestra musical theater to the local stage.
Audition Notice
The Two Of Us Productions, the award winning theater company based in Columbia County NY, is pleased to announce auditions for It’s Only A Play by Terrence McNally. Performances are May 10th through 19th, 2024 at the Claverack Library’s Marilyn & Bob Laurie Gallery.
Auditions will be held on:
Saturday Feb. 17th at 2pm
Friday Feb. 23rd at 7pm
Saturday Feb. 24th at 2pm (Audition & Callbacks)
All auditions are held at the Community Hall of the Reformed Dutch Church, 88 Route 9H in Claverack NY.
All roles are available.
Sides will be provided at the audition.
For more information or to get the sides in advance please write the director at
Synopsis: It’s the opening night of The Golden Egg on Broadway, and the wealthy producer Julia Budder is throwing a lavish party in her lavish Manhattan townhouse. Downstairs the celebrities are pouring in, but the real action is upstairs in the bedroom, where a group of insiders have staked themselves out to await the reviews. The group includes the excitable playwright; the possibly unstable wunderkind director; the pill-popping leading lady, treading the boards after becoming infamous in Hollywood; and the playwright’s best friend, for whom the play was written but who passed up this production for a television series. Add to this a drama critic who’s panned the playwright in the past and a new-in-town aspiring singer, and you have a prime recipe for the narcissism, ambition, childishness, and just plain irrationality that infuse the theatre—and for comedy. But don’t worry: This play is sure to be the hit they have all been hoping for.
PETER AUSTIN – The playwright. Everything is riding on tonight’s Broadway opening.
JULIA BUDDER – The producer. Attractive and genuinely nice.
IRA DREW – The critic. Wears glasses and has good stains on his tie.
FRANK FINGER – The director. Soon to be knighted.
VIRGINIA NOYES – The star. She has an electronic bracelet on her ankle.
JAMES WICKER – The best friend. He used to be a stage actor.
GUS P. HEAD – Temporary help. Fresh off of the farm.