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"CABARET will delight you with its newness and its current though accidental references to the times we live in now
- Peter Bermann

Appearing Left to Right:

Blake Schober, Karissa Payson, Emily Fuller, Candi Wood, Constance Lopez, Lauren Wicks, Fran Martino, Cathy Hunt-Wheelock (Photo Credit:

Nicole Molinski & Molinski Photography)

Peter Bergmann of Berkshire Bright Focus  -


"CABARET will delight you with its newness and its current though accidental references to the times we live in now ... which director Stephen Sanborn has taken advantage of in this new production.  …  What does it take to make this show work? Well played music and well-performed roles, both of which exist in the Two of Us production.”  


“Master of Ceremonies is now female - and probably Lesbian while the leading man Cliff is now bi-sexual  Constance Lopez is delivering this revised (MC) character with assurance and finesse.  Her singing is excellent and her acting is convincing. The sexuality of her crop-haired boyish cut and her costumes reinforce her interpretation and though some of the original is gone the role works in this new way. Bravo to Lopez for taking this on”


“.. the 10-person band, conducted very well by Sanborn …  play Kander's score to perfection.”  


“One more brilliant aspect of this production is the casting of Benita Zahn as Fraulein Schneider, the landlady, and Fred Sirois as the fruit-marketer Herr Schultz. Both actors bring experience and understanding to their roles and their acting adds resonance to their roles …  I would defy anyone who isn't moved by Zahn's "What Would You Do?" in Act Two. This is fine acting in song.  Sirois' final exit in that act is as touchingly human as anything I've seen this entire year.”


“Cliff is doomed from the start by Sally's wild indifference to his dreams for them. She has her own dreams and they need that Dietrich-like determination. Her sense of love, true love, is summed up in her insincere "Maybe This Time" well performed by Betsy Rees and Stephen Foust's Cliff whose indifference to his one-time pickup, Bobby, keeps re-emerging in the book scenes.”

Photo Credit:

Nicole Molinski & Molinski Photography

(Click on Photo to enlarge)


Appearing Left to Right:

 Constance Lopez as Master of Ceremonies


Appearing Left to Right:

Betsy Rees as 

Sally Bowles

Ernst and Cliff.png

Appearing Left to Right:

Brian Yorck as Ernst Ludwig

Stephen Foust as Cliff Bradshaw

Constance Lopez as Master of Ceremonies


Appearing Left to Right:

Fred Sirois as Hr. Schultz

Benita Zahn as Fr. Schneider


Appearing Left to Right:

Constance Lopez as Master of Ceremonies

Emily Fuller as the MC’s partner

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Appearing Left to Right:

Karissa Payson, Constance Lopez, Emily Fuller

Appearing Left to Right:

Betsy Rees as Sally Bowles

Stephen Foust as Cliff Bradshaw

Appearing Left to Right:

Lauren Wicks, Karissa Payson, Candi Wood (hidden), Betsy Rees, Emily Fuller, Cathy Hunt-Wheelock

Appearing Left to Right:

Fred Sirois as Hr. Schultz

Candi Wood as Fr. Kost


Appearing Left to Right:

Benita Zahn as Fr. Schneider

Stephen Foust as Cliff Bradshaw


Appearing Left to Right:

Fran Martino, Karissa Payson, Lauren Wicks, Candi Wood, Constance Lopez, Emily Fuller, Cathy Hunt-Wheelock, Blake Schober

"In here, life is beautiful. The girls are beautiful. Even the orchestra is beautiful!" 
- Master of Ceremonies

Willkommen! And bienvenue! Welcome! 


At its heart CABARET is a dramatic commentary told through three parallel story lines: the younger couple who are denying reality, the "toast of Mayfair" Fraulein Sally Bowles and the aspiring novelist Cliff Bradshaw from America; a dramatic & gently romantic sub-plot of love denied in the endearing older couple Fraulein Schneider & Herr Schultz; and the social commentary of the Master Of Ceremonies that was played by Joel Grey in the original production & by Alan Cummings in this 1998 version.  The Kit Kat Klub performers that this show is so well known for work with the Master of Ceremonies in commenting on the dark cloud of National Socialism that is engulfing 1930's Germany & how the gathering storm is impacting the principle characters.  


CABARET features Constance Lopez as the Master of Ceremonies, Betsy Rees as Sally Bowles, Stephen Foust as Cliff Bradshaw, Benita Zahn as Fraulein Schneider, Fred Sirois as Herr Schultz, Brian Yorck as Ernst Ludwig, Andrew Stein as Klub owner Max, and Candace Wood as the always hospitable Fraulein Kost.  CABARET also features a dynamite group of singers & dancers on-stage at The Kit Kat Klub, including Karissa Payson as Helga, Cathy Hunt Wheelock as Frenchie, Debra Tice Hughes as Texas, Lauren Wicks as Rosie, Emily Fuller as Lulu, Fran Martino as Bobby, Matt Leinung as Hans, and Black Schober as VictorThe Kit Kat Klub orchestra will be on-stage live & in-person, so Sally Bowles really means it when she says “come hear the band!”

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