The Two Of Us Productions is an affiliate of Roving Actor's Repertory Ensemble, a 501 c(3) non-profit theater company based in Copake, NY. We produce full-scale musicals, drama & comedies, and murder mystery evenings.
Our mission is to bring quality stage productions to our local audience. We are known throughout the Hudson Valley and Western New England for bringing the excitement of full orchestra musical theater to the local stage.
Saturday January 13th at 7:00pm ET

A Murderous Revision: Chris Turner is a busy author who resents, really resents, the continual nit-picking editing of his “wonderful” radio drama scripts by his producer Mr. Ken Avery. Chris has reached his boiling point with Ken’s latest changes and is determined to put a stop to his endless meddling, FOR GOOD!
Fugue in C Minor: Introduces to a certain Miss Amanda Peabody, who has come to deal with a family crisis only to find that her sister has picked the “perfect” husband her. Concert pianist Theodore Evans and his two children David & Daphne are recovering from the death of Theodore’s wife. Amanda hopes that she can fill this void for all of them in the eerie “Fugue in C Minor,”
This virtual, LIVE, staged reading will be hosted on Zoom Join is on Janaury 13, 2024 at 7:00pm ET.
Saturday January 27th 7:00pm ET

The Outer Limit: Mankind has discovered the power of the atom, has used it to end a war, but is swiftly developing the atom bomb as a way to end civilization itself. A rocket pilot sent up for scientific research come back, not with scientific discoveries, but with a warning from the stars that continued use of the bomb will not only end war, but will end civilization on the Earth FOR GOOD!
Love, Honor or Murder: Introduces us to a certain not-so-happily married couple, Harry & Helen Blake. Harry is a hardworking cab driver who yearns for something better. Helen is equally tired of their life but thinks she’s found a way for something better but to get it needs to convince Harry to commit a murder!
Saturday February 17th at 7:00pm ET

The Lost Race: A group of future space travelers discovers a previously unexplored
planet. A planetary survey shows that artifacts from the “Lost Race” are likely on the planet. After all the investigation will the mystery of the lost race be revealed?
The Parade: A normal looking person claiming to be a Martian hires a publicity
agency to “sell a new product”. The usual 1950’s publicity approach is to tease the
public with a series of increasingly energetic and suggestive newspaper advertisements culminating in a big “splashy” event to unveil the product. The big mystery is what is the product?